Michelle Smith
Registration/Membership Chairman







Athletes who swim for a club/team MUST register through that club/team.

ONLY unattached Athletes/Non-Athletes should use the online form.

ALL 2023 registrations expire December 31, 2023.

2023 Season 1 Registration expired 8/31/23; any Season 1 athlete who continues to swim with their team must register for 2024 IMMEDIATELY.

2024 Non-Athlete Registration begins 9/1/2023: $80 each.

2024 Non-Athlete ADMIN Registration (available for members who do not interact with swimmers on a regular basis, such as club board members) begins 9/1/2023: $40 each.

2024 Snake River Swimming Premium Athlete Registrations, $80 each.

2024 Flex Athlete Registrations, $30*; 2024 Outreach Athlete Registrations, $7**.  (*12 and under only; **Qualifying documentation required for Outreach membership.)

There is NO grace period for expired coaching credentials, including APT and Background Check.

All Non-Athletes must register with their club/team.

Unattached Athletes MUST Register using the online form.

Online payment via Venmo or PayPal.Me is preferred; if paying by check, please send to Snake River Swimming at the above address.


2024 Registration Fees – 2024 Premium Athlete Registrations, $80; 2024 Flex Athletes, $30 (only available to 12 and under); 2024 Outreach Athletes, $7 (qualifying documentation required for this membership).

2024 Non-Athlete (Coach, Official, Other) Registrations - $80. If a member is currently registered as an athlete and wants to register as a non-athlete (coach, official, other), or vice-versa, there is NO fee for the second membership. 

2024 Non-Athlete ADMIN (Board Member, Meet Director, etc) Registrations - $40. Admin registrations are limited to those without regular interaction with swimmers

Athlete Protection Training Update/MAAPP requirements:  USA Swimming’s top priority is keeping our athletes safe. No form of abuse, including child sexual abuse, has a place in our sport. As a part of our continued commitment to safeguarding our athletes, USA Swimming has enacted enhancements to Safe Sport policy and education requirements.

  • Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy (MAAPP) addresses one-on-one interactions, social media and electronic communications, travel: local and team, locker rooms and changing areas and massages, rubdowns and athletic training modalities.  All USA Swimming member clubs are required to implement MAAPP in full by June 23, 2019. 
  • Training members in abuse prevention and mandatory reporting is just as important as creating policies. USA Swimming is required to provide regular and consistent training for all adults who interact with and have direct contact with minor athletes, including adult athletes. As of June 23, 2019, as a condition of membership, all athlete members ages 18 and over must complete Athlete Protection Training (APT). As of Sept 1, 2022, there is no grace period – if APT is not completed by the swimmer’s 18th birthday, they will not be allowed to compete or practice with any team until it is completed.
  • ATHLETE PROTECTION TRAINING (APT):  It seems there has been some confusion on what course is required for a new member versus a renewing member whose APT is getting ready to expire or has expired.  Click HERE for some APT Helpful Hints.
  • APT is valid for one calendar year from the date the courses are completed. Everyone required to take APT must be aware of the expiration date of their APT in order to keep their registration valid. 
  • All non-athletes and adult athletes are required to complete Athlete Protection Training, a free training course which must be completed to maintain current membership in USA Swimming. At the end of the course, individuals must page down to find the SUBMIT button; if this button is not clicked, the courses are not complete and the individual’s APT requirement is not satisfied. The link for APT:  Athlete Protection Training
  • Failure to complete this requirement causes an adult athlete’s registration to become invalid, prohibiting that individual from practicing with or competing in age-group swimming competitions. The APT requirement is checked as part of pre-meet verification; an athlete showing up in the error report as not completing APT may not compete until the requirement is met.
  • No matter your role in the organization, your work and connection with athletes is incredibly important, and we are all responsible for ensuring their experience is safe, positive and free of abuse.

Coaching Advantage Tutorial Requirement for Coaches – As of September 1, 2019, all coach members will be required to complete an annual USADA Coaching Advantage Tutorial (CAT) course. The 20-minute video course (presented in four modules) is available on the LEARN platform, covering WADA code, checking medications, the testing process and a coach’s role in the clean sport movement. The latter is an incredibly significant element of the training that is crucial at all age levels. Please direct questions about the USADA Coaching Advantage Tutorial (link below).  Renewal date for this course is one year from date of completion.

Concussion Requirement for Coaches and Officials – USA Swimming now requires all coaches and officials complete Concussion Protocol Training before their registration is considered complete.  Courses from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), as well as individual states’ required courses will satisfy the USA Swimming requirement. A copy of the certificate must be forwarded to the Snake River Registrar.

On-Line Registration Required for Unattached Athletes:  - Unattached Athletes and Non-Athletes must register using the on-line application form (link is below in the applicable Section).  Once registration is approved by the SRS Registrar, the Unattached Athlete or Non-Athlete will receive a link to register with USA Swimming directly.  Snake River Swimming Registration IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL THE USAS REGISTRATION IS CONFIRMED.

 Payment will be made directly to USA Swimming.  However, SRS has 2 Options available for other fees (such as transfers)

  • Venmo  via the Venmo app, send to @snakeriverregmem
  • PayPal.Me on the web at paypal.me/snakeriverregmem or via the PayPal app, send to snakeriverregmem@gmail.com  Be sure to pick “Send Money to a Friend;” if fees are charged to Snake River, the individual will be contacted and the transfer will not be processed until the entire fee is received.

Payment may be made with a check made payable to Snake River Swimming; select the check option, listed after the 2 electronic payment options, and mail to the above address.

Flex Athlete Membership (12 & Under Only): Flex members are allowed to participate in only two sanctioned competitions each year. Flex members are ineligible to compete in a championship meet.

  • IF a Flex member signs up for a third sanctioned competition, he/she must immediately upgrade to a Premium year-round membership by paying the difference: $80 - $30 = $50 upgrade fee. Not all Snake River teams offer Flex membership; if a Flex member transfers to a team not offering Flex, he/she must upgrade their membership fee (in addition to the transfer fee) before the transfer will be completed.
  • IF a Flex member turns 13 at any time during the season, they must upgrade to a Premium Membership immediately.

Junior Coaches: 16 & 17 year olds who wish to coach may now register as a Junior Coach. These coaches must complete all coaching requirements: CPR, Lifeguard Training or an In-Water skills Session the online Safety Training for Swim Coaches test, Foundations of Coaching 101, and Athlete Protection Training, Coaching Advantage Tutorial, and Concussion Protocol Training, with the exception of the background check. Once a junior coach turns 18, he/she must apply for a BGC within 30 days of turning 18.

Non-Athlete Membership Cards – If a non-athlete wants a membership card (showing the registration year on a full color background), he/she must print it themselves. Officials may print an Official Certification card; if an official wants a membership card, he/she must register as both an Official and “Other” in order to access the membership card.  



Athletes - Must register through their club.  Only unattached athletes should use the links provided below.  



Other Non-Athletes (Non-Coaches, Non-Officials, i.e Chaperones, Meet Marshalls, etc)

Non-Athlete ADMIN (No regular interaction with swimmers, i.e Meet Directors, Board Members, etc)


***If any club or coach information changes,
please notify your LSC Registration Chairman immediately